Happy Halloween!

Tonight is Halloween, to trick or to treat is the task,
But before you step out, might I just ask,
Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?
Well, three little piggies once met this old hick,
And let me tell you- they didn’t think he was slick,
He huffed, and he puffed- that seemed to be his trick,
But even his sneeze couldn’t shatter a brick.
Hiding in their house of straw,
the three little piggies had been frightened to the core,
But as the big bad wolf approached they saw
A little speck of pollen enter his maw.
At first the wolf huffed
Then he puffed
The poor wolf pulled out a hanky and blew,
His eyes took on a pale watery sheen of dew,
The little pigs saw their opportunity and flew,
Saved as the wolf’s hay fever came back anew.
So, remember tonight while you wander about,
That while witches and ghouls might be out,
Pollen is everywhere, so take care.